Old Dreghorn Primary School {Urbex} Part 2

Inside there was a lot left behind, more tiny chairs than you could ever possibly need, along with desk drawers with the former pupils last work still in them.

Desks, book racks, everything to run a school still remained. Boxes of old VHS tapes, jotters, school books, the new school must have bought everything new, taking only the very best from the old.

Vandals had obviously gained access here too, not sure what NIMMA is, or where the sluts were.

If the plans for the Brewery had gone ahead, there was no way these pictures on the wall would have survived, so I snapped a quick picture of them.

In the office area, someone's picture of Nessie survived, and a cat picture.

The deputy headmasters office had a beautiful grand fireplace, and if plans had gone ahead I laid claim to this room as mine. 

One classroom had sinks at the end, perhaps it was an art class.

These switches didn't seem to activate anything, but I was desperate to find out what on earth a bubble tube was, and why a school had a mirror ball.

This should have remained if the Brewery had gone ahead, because that's the kind of positive message to get the best out of your workforce.

More cool wall art which would have been removed during renovation work.

In the part of the building which opened to the fenced off area, this matt was in a hallway, so this area was actually the nursery class.

Tiny toilets, amusing if you've ever seen Uncle Buck, makes you feel like a giant.

Surely worth keeping for a workforce based out of the building, especially in food production and packaging.

We then moved on to the upper part of the building. Thieves had stolen the lead from the roof shortly after the school was closed, and the west coast weather had caused quite a large amount of water damage in the building. The upper floors had large amounts of the ceilings collapsing, and the floors were beginning to warp alarmingly.