The town of Irvine is at least 1,000 years old, and has accumulated a whole load of history in that time, this section deals with some of it.
07 Aerial Quarry Road and New And Old Academy - by Crawford Fulton
This photo was taken from George McMaster's Collection.
41 Palace Picture house - by Crawford Fulton
This photo was taken by George McMaster. Shown here is the annual Marymass Procession from the 1950s (?),. In the first coach is the Marymass Queen and in the following one are the Four Marys. Next, on horseback, are members of the historic Irvine Carters Society.
Irvine Harbour 1962 - by Crawford Fulton
This photograph was dated 30th January 1963, it was commissioned for a postcard; but was probably shot during the preceding Summer. Here we see several ships tied up at the wharf, as well as pleasure craft in the foreground. To the left is the former Mission Hall (which has been the Harbour Arts Centre since 1966), the Ship Inn and a series of buildings which include the Cross Keys Hotel. A really lovely view!