The town of Irvine is at least 1,000 years old, and has accumulated a whole load of history in that time, this section deals with some of it.
Irvine -Kilmarnock Rail Bridge Scott Road - by Crawford Fulton
This photo was taken by George McMaster.
18 Irvine From Church - by Crawford Fulton
This photo was taken from George McMaster's Collection. Seen here is the western end of Bridgegate, as viewed from the spire of the Wilson Fullarton Church. This gives us an unusual view of Trinity Church and the western part of the town centre. It is very difficult estimate the year in which this photo was produced; however, the lack of traffic would tend to suggest the first part of the 20th Century.
06 Aerial Irvine central - by Crawford Fulton
This photo was taken from George McMaster's Collection.